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1. JSON_ARRAY Function

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1. JSON_ARRAY Function

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The JSON_ARRAY function in H2 database is used to create a JSON array containing the specified values.

2. Syntax

The syntax for the JSON_ARRAY function in H2 database is as follows:

JSON_ARRAY(value1, value2, ...)


  • value1, value2, ...: The values to be included in the JSON array. These can be any valid H2 data types.


  • The JSON_ARRAY function returns a JSON array containing the specified values.

3. Notes

  • All the values provided as arguments to the JSON_ARRAY function will be converted to their corresponding JSON representation.
  • If any argument is a NULL value, it will be included as null in the resulting JSON array.
  • The JSON_ARRAY function can be useful when constructing JSON data for storage or retrieval purposes.

4. Examples

Here are a few examples demonstrating the usage of the JSON_ARRAY function in H2 database:

Example 1 - Creating a JSON array with multiple values:

SELECT JSON_ARRAY(1, 'John', true, 3.14) AS json_array;


[1, "John", true, 3.14]

Example 2 - Creating a JSON array with NULL values:

SELECT JSON_ARRAY(10, NULL, 'Hello', NULL, 5) AS json_array;


[10, null, "Hello", null, 5]
  • json_object - Create a JSON object from key-value pairs.
  • JSON_ARRAYAGG - Aggregate values into a JSON array.