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1. BTRIM Function

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1. BTRIM Function

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The BTRIM function in H2 database is used to remove specified characters from the beginning and/or end of a string.

2. Syntax

The syntax for the BTRIM function in H2 database is as follows:

BTRIM(string, characters)


  • string: The input string from which characters need to be trimmed.
  • characters: (Optional) The characters to be removed from the beginning and/or end of the string. If not specified, it will remove whitespace characters.


  • The BTRIM function returns a new string with the specified characters removed from the beginning and/or end.

3. Notes

  • The BTRIM function in H2 database trims characters from both the beginning and the end of the string. It does not trim characters from the middle of the string.
  • If the input string is NULL, the BTRIM function will return NULL.
  • When the characters argument is not provided, the BTRIM function removes leading and trailing whitespace characters.
  • The characters argument can be a single character or multiple characters. It can also be a string literal or a column value.

4. Examples

Here are a few examples demonstrating the usage of the BTRIM function in H2 database:

Example 1 - Trimming whitespace characters:

SELECT BTRIM('   Hello, World!   ') AS trimmed_string;


Hello, World!

Example 2 - Trimming specific characters:

SELECT BTRIM('...Hello, World!...', '.') AS trimmed_string;


Hello, World!

Example 3 - Trimming characters using a column value:

CREATE TABLE messages (
message VARCHAR(100)

INSERT INTO messages VALUES (1, '!!!Important Message!!!'), (2, ' Hello, H2! ');

SELECT id, message, BTRIM(message, '! ') AS trimmed_message
FROM messages;


id |      message            | trimmed_message
1 | !!!Important Message!!! | Important Message
2 | Hello, H2! | Hello, H2!
  • ltrim - Trim characters from the beginning of a string.
  • rtrim - Trim characters from the end of a string.