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The ABORT_SESSION function in H2 database is used to forcefully terminate a specific session.

2. Syntax

The syntax for the ABORT_SESSION function in H2 database is as follows:



  • session_id: The identifier of the session that needs to be aborted. It should be an integer value representing the session ID.


  • The ABORT_SESSION function does not return any value.

3. Notes

  • The ABORT_SESSION function in H2 database is a privileged operation and requires proper permissions or privileges.
  • When a session is aborted, any ongoing transactions in that session will be rolled back and any resources held by that session will be released.
  • It is important to use caution while using the ABORT_SESSION function as it can lead to data inconsistencies or loss if not used properly.

4. Examples

Here is an example demonstrating the usage of the ABORT_SESSION function in H2 database:

Example - Aborting a specific session:


In this example, the session with ID 123 will be forcefully terminated.

There are no directly related functions to the ABORT_SESSION function in H2 database.

Please note that the ABORT_SESSION function is specific to the H2 database and may not be available in other database systems.